A baby story: Week 17
January 1st, 2012
Week 17 (baby’s the size of an onion!)
The majority of week 17 was also spent in Long Beach surrounded by family and friends. Most people were anxious to see some sort of belly on me and although a few people said that they could see some definite bumpage going on, I think it will be at least through January until an actual volleyball starts appearing. 🙂 I’ll be down for a quick 48-hour trip in February (on work’s dime since I have a meeting at our LA campus on a Friday and I just asked for a flight back from the LB airport on the Sunday following…love it!) so hopefully by then people will be able to see some more development in that department!
This little girl sure made out like a bandit this week for Christmas with lots of very generous family and friends obviously excited for her arrival. Here’s the loot…
What do you think of our makeshift Christmas tree? I made it out of lights since we didn’t have the time to get a real tree this year (we’re going on year three of no Christmas tree…things will hopefully change in 2012 with little miss in the mix! 😉 )
From left to right: sea horse lullaby doll from work holiday party; “I love my Auntie” bibs and a giant box of diapers from Auntie Judith; rattle, “Daddy’s Little Sweetheart” onesie, and handmade baby blanket (made by Sirena’s late great-grandma Margie) all from Grandma Dorothy; lullaby cd from my Aunt Kathy; smaller bag of diapers from Thomas’ girlfriend Ashley, “La Reina” onesie and “American, with Mexican parts” bib from my mama; and a giant set of bibs from my friend Kimberly
This week my wonderful sister Jessie accompanied me on the ever-so-fun maternity clothes shopping trip. I am not a big shopper so this task seemed very daunting to me–especially since I will be student teaching 5 days a week starting this month and I will need to dress professionally every single day (up until now I’ve gotten away with wearing jeans to work at least half of the week but not any longer!). Luckily Jessie had recently accompanied her friend on a similar trip and she learned to not buy so much maternity-specific clothing but instead to buy long tops and flowing tops so that I’ll be comfortable and so that I won’t have to spend a fortune on maternity clothes (since I’ve realized anything labeled as “maternity” is almost automatically more expensive than normal-fitting clothes). I’m kind of excited to change up my style a bit–cute boots, leggings, and dresses instead of jeans, a boring top, and “dress” shoes (kinda sad that it took getting pregnant to give me a kick in the rear to dress better for work, huh? Haha!)
Belly shot!
Trying on one of my new dresses and Lola in the background (as always…I swear she’s a little ninja or something, always sneaking into my belly shot photos one way or another, haha!)
Other pregnancy updates
- Total weight gained: I haven’t attempted the scale at all since before we left Oakland due to the overindulgence of the past week with the holidays. Until next week!
- How I’m feeling: The exhaustion has returned it seems! Just about everyday this past week I took an afternoon nap because I felt I couldn’t make it through the rest of the day without it. Luckily we were on vacation so I had the opportunity to but next week when I’m back to work I won’t be able to so easily sneak away for a quick nap. Hopefully my energy will return soon!
- Days until our next prenatal visit: Three! We’ve got our next appointment on Wednesday afternoon and will hopefully hear the heartbeat to make sure everything’s still a-okay in there.
- What I’m most looking forward to this week (other than the prenatal visit): Cooking meals again! We’ve eaten out so much this past week in Long Beach and I cannot wait to get back in rhythm with my eating. And I’m sure Sirena’s looking forward to chowing down on healthier food as well. 🙂